What was the first date of your last period?

One of the first things most moms do when they find out they are pregnant, is to calculate when the baby will be due.

You can do this by following your doctor’s advice and calculations based on your scans or you can use our handy due date calculator to calculate your due date.

Menstrual Cycle Data
Tooltip Last Menstrual Date:  
Tooltip Cycle Length Days
Tooltip Menstruation Days

You probably have a few questions…

How do I calculate my due date?

Even though ovulation is usually in the middle of your cycle, there’s really no way to know exactly when you ovulated and conceived, unless you tracked it. Our calculator works on the basis of most women ovulating approximately 14 days after the first day of their last period. Shortly after conception occurs. On average, your pregnancy will last between 37 and 42 weeks (around 40 weeks (or 38 weeks from conception). This information is used for our due date calculator.

Is my due date accurate?

Babies are all unique and even if you have all the tools and did all the planning, they decide when they are born. It is likely that your baby will be born close to his/her due date but knowing an approximate date, can help you prepare for your baby.

Will my due date change?

You might get a due date at your first big scan at 12 weeks but this due date can fluctuate as your baby grows.

How else can my due date be indicated?

Your doctor will use scans, fetal monitoring and measuring, as well as the size of your uterus to indicate your due date. It will also depend on when you ovulated, if your cycle is regular and how likely you are to carry full term.

So why should I use the pregnancy due date calculator?

In all honesty – it’s super fun! See it as a fun way to connect to your baby and prepare for his/her arrival. There’s nothing as exciting as knowing that the little being inside of you will make an appearance sometime within the next eight to nine months.

Click here to use Moomie's handy due date calculator. 

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