My pleasure to help other put their minds at ease, by telling my story. We paid just over R20k, BUT it was a private adoption and we paid for all the birth mom's counselling and care and scans etc during pregnancy. It also included psych and court fees, etc. So that figure is total all in all, over the months.
Yes, it often felt like the admin and paperwork and legal stuff was never gonna end, but once that is over with the process feels like it flies past (at least it did for us)
Honestly I think my hubby bonded with her eariler than I did. We stayed with my parents for the first 3 days, and on the third and fourth day, I went through SERIOUS baby blues (which I thought was pregnancy related, but obviously not)
After the first week, she was my baby and has been my baby girl ever since!

Although I must say it was amazing how she took to me IMMEDIATELY, it seemed like she loved me from the get go, like she knew she was meant to be mine.... which probably made me feel even more guilty about the baby blues I went through.
It is not all flowers and roses in the beginning, but take it easy, give yourself a break and know that those feelings are NORMAL for any new mom... and they too will pass!