Dear Hasie & MissesMom
Thank you kindly for your Advice.
My previous gynae told me that twin pregnancies are seen as a complication and that I will have to opt for elcetive c-section at (16 weeks)?? especially if twin B takes more than 20min to deliver after twin A.
This was very upsetting, this was after I already read many medical articals (mostly from UK and USA) where it seemed that natural birth still has more pros than cons (if no complications) even for twins.
I felt totally lost before your messages and will definitely contact Genesis and try to get connected with Dr Mia and midwife Phindy.
Bofore you I was beginning to think that its all about the money (if this was me in a state hospital I'm quessing I would not have had any other choice than to push).
I am fully aware that there is a possibilty that en emergency c-section might occur and I will prepare myself for that. But I am still hoping for natural birth - for many reasons one being we want to broaden our family as soon as we can and we want 4/5 kids...

Thanks yet again!!!
It seems there is hope for woman who want to deliver naturally in the private sector in SA!
You both made my day!!!!!
Please keep posting especially if there is someone with the name of a gynae which fits my needs (as above) from Pretoria (was hoping for a gynae from Kloof - heard its one of the top hospitals in the country....?)