question-circle Conception after miscarriage / D&C(E)

8 years 8 months ago - 8 years 8 months ago #272332 by joo~ste
Anzel / Ayesha / MommyW

Yes, it is hard. Very hard - :(

I had a laparoscopy on the 28th of April and my endo (Stage II) has been indicated as a possible reason. I had a huge amount of bloodtests done and everything from infection to bloodclotting disorders were ruled out. When we first tried to fall pg - I could not seem to get pg. Now....I cannot seem to stay pg. So horrible!

We are TTC again. Currently on CD21 -
was on Femara this cycle

Anzel: I can remember that feeling of realising that your baby is dead. During my 7w3d scan the doctor confirmed no heartbeat and that the fetus measured 6w5d. He wanted for me to wait 48hrs and then to have another scan to make 100% sure. It was the most HORRIBLE 48hrs I had in a very long time. I was pregnant ....however....with a baby that was not alive. I could not stop thinking of that fact. comes the part that I feel too shy to share -
I then just wanted to have the baby removed asap - :(
I could not handle the fact that our baby was dead and I could not walk around knowing that and being "pregnant" without doing something about it. I scheduled an appointment at another specialist the following morning - he confirmed - we had the D/C that evening around 7pm.

Just thinking about it now - makes me feel that same kind of desperate sadness I experienced in November.
The following 2 M/C was around 5 weeks. My HCG levels will drop within a day or two of me getting the pg confirmed via the bloodtests. I would then see on the digital how it changes from "pregnant 1-2" "not pregnant" within less than a week. Chemical pregnancies.

I really believe that my DH and I will have more children and that we will conceive and carry to term successfully. There does not seem to be any apparent reason for the concurrent M/C. (Other than my age...I suppose).

I really trust and believe that we will all celebrate our rainbow miracles very soon.....

TTC#1 =3yr2m
TTC#2 =3m
TTC#3 =2yr

Journey started: May 2009 (Gr II Endo)
Total cycles TTC: 64
Clomid/Femara/Inject cycles: 20
IUI: 2
IVF: 1
Lap/Hyst: 4
Miomect: 1
Polipect: 1
D&E: 2
Missed MC: 2
Chem Pg: 4

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8 years 8 months ago #272307 by ayesha07
Hi ladies

I came across this thread and c its a bit old, i cannot imagine how u all must feel...miscarriage is the most painful feeling in the worls, especially since u dont get to c ur baby, i lost my baby at 5 months a year ago and it haunts me, i didnt need a d&c but i struggled to regulate af afterwards....took me nearly a year to even decide to start ttc'ng again

Pregnancy confirmed 11/12/2014

EDD 20 Aug 2015

Preterm delivery 20/04/15
23 weeks

My beautiful babyboy was born at 520gr and lived for 40 minutes

He will always be the angel of my heart

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8 years 8 months ago #272189 by MommywannaB
Hi Anzel,

I am sorry for your loss, it's not easy!

I miscarried over a year ago and it's still fresh in my mind and heart! It's like u never come to terms with it.

My advice to u, try again as soon as possible, I never had a D&C and the Dr said to me I must wait until my next period before trying so maybe 1st spek to your Dr about the clomid so soon after the D&C.

Also cry when u want to never hold in and talk about it even if hubby doesn't want to. He is also hurt and men deal with things differently.

Keep faith! Sending u lots of love hugs kisses and prayers

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8 years 8 months ago #272186 by AnzelMama12
Hi, ladies

Sorry for gatecrashing this thread - I see it is a few months old, but because I know some of you, I would like to share.

I had a micarriage on Friday - my first pregnancy - and had a D&C the very same night. I am still crushed and trying my best to work through it. I count the day of the D&C as Day 1, and started with clomid again on CD 4. We are therefore trying again asap. We lost our baby at almost 8 weeks - Doctor said the baby stopped growing at 6 weeks, which means that I carried the baby for another two weeks before I miscarried. That is the worst for me - I never knew something was wrong, until I started spotting the day before Mothersday. Went for blood work and saw that my count was dropping. Went for an ultrasound on Thursday, saw the baby and the sac, but no heartbeat. Then I miscarried Friday morning at 10:30 - Rush to the ER, but it was already too late. By the time doctor did another ultrasound, the baby and the sac has already passed. I was devastated! We were TTC'ng for almost 2 years when I fell pregnant on my fourth cycle of clomid - At least I suppose I can fall pregnant - It should give me hope.

Well, it's been five days since this traumatic experiencing and I'm feeling a bit better everyday. I'm holding on to my faith in God, knowing that He has a plan and He is in control. I don't know if I'll fall pregnant immediately or if we'll have to wait a few months again. But I know that my trust is in Him who gave me the first baby in the first place. We had a small funeral in our garden on Sunday - I actually took the ultrasound pictures, rolled it up and put in in a glass bottle, then we buried it in the garden. We placed white stones, a cross with the dates we knew about baby and when we lost it on, and fresh flowers on the grave. I've never cried that much in my life. Husband was also shattered - We were so excited about this baby and wanted it soo badly. No we are are hoping for a miracle rainbow baby in the near future.

@Jooste - I see you also had a recent miscarriage again in April 2016 - You must be devastated! Have you had any tests done to determine the reason behind your recurrent miscarriages? It was be so painful to think that you had three pregnancies and all three ended up in miscarriage? My heart breaks for you. I heard someone say the other day, never mock a pain you don't know. I know what you are going through - My loss is still fresh in my mind. I'm thinking of you and praying for you!

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9 years 1 month ago #269850 by MommywannaB
I am glad, FX for you that you get your BFP soon. Keep Well and keep me updated. :kiss:

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9 years 1 month ago #269849 by joo~ste
Yes, we are TTC again.


TTC#1 =3yr2m
TTC#2 =3m
TTC#3 =2yr

Journey started: May 2009 (Gr II Endo)
Total cycles TTC: 64
Clomid/Femara/Inject cycles: 20
IUI: 2
IVF: 1
Lap/Hyst: 4
Miomect: 1
Polipect: 1
D&E: 2
Missed MC: 2
Chem Pg: 4

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9 years 1 month ago #269825 by MommywannaB
Jip I know I was driving myself crazy. Every cramp I got was like oh yeah its coming and then nothing.

Its draining no one would understand how it is when you haven't been through this. I never wanted a period so bad hehehe.

I am glad your arrived. Its probably a painful one as well.

Will you be trying again after the cycle?

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