Anzel / Ayesha / MommyW
Yes, it is hard. Very hard -
I had a laparoscopy on the 28th of April and my endo (Stage II) has been indicated as a possible reason. I had a huge amount of bloodtests done and everything from infection to bloodclotting disorders were ruled out. When we first tried to fall pg - I could not seem to get pg. Now....I cannot seem to stay pg. So horrible!
We are TTC again. Currently on CD21 -
was on Femara this cycle
Anzel: I can remember that feeling of realising that your baby is dead. During my 7w3d scan the doctor confirmed no heartbeat and that the fetus measured 6w5d. He wanted for me to wait 48hrs and then to have another scan to make 100% sure. It was the most HORRIBLE 48hrs I had in a very long time. I was pregnant ....however....with a baby that was not alive. I could not stop thinking of that fact. comes the part that I feel too shy to share -
I then just wanted to have the baby removed asap -

I could not handle the fact that our baby was dead and I could not walk around knowing that and being "pregnant" without doing something about it. I scheduled an appointment at another specialist the following morning - he confirmed - we had the D/C that evening around 7pm.
Just thinking about it now - makes me feel that same kind of desperate sadness I experienced in November.
The following 2 M/C was around 5 weeks. My HCG levels will drop within a day or two of me getting the pg confirmed via the bloodtests. I would then see on the digital how it changes from "pregnant 1-2" "not pregnant" within less than a week. Chemical pregnancies.
I really believe that my DH and I will have more children and that we will conceive and carry to term successfully. There does not seem to be any apparent reason for the concurrent M/C. (Other than my age...I suppose).
I really trust and believe that we will all celebrate our rainbow miracles very soon.....