Hello ladies! Just an update from me, I have not given an update since 12 weeks
We had our 20 week ultrasound appointment on Saturday and all looks great with baby! The lips are perfectly formed, so we are super happy about that! We are always worried about that because my husband and his father were both born with cleft lip and palate, so it seems to run in their family. Everything looks healthy and right on track, baby was moving a lot in there, so cute!
We also found out that we are expecting a beautiful baby girl!!!! I cannot tell you how excited I am, my dream of having a daughter is finally coming true, I was in tears when I found out, so so happy! Our little boy is having a baby sister
Due date is still right on track for 1 June, hoping to have a natural waterbirth again with our wonderful midwife. With my first I went 10 days over my due date, and was in labour for 10 hours, so we will see what happens this time.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!