@Jay-bee - you are so much more organized than I am! I still dont have my nursery done and I am 38 weeks today! We did put up the wallpaper border this past weekend, just one thing to say about that, putting up wallpaper is not for sissies! We only had a border to do and it was challenging to make sure its right, told my husband if we ever do something from top to bottom we will get a professional to do it!
I called about the blinds today, they said they "hope it will be ready by the end of the week", and the bedding will hopefully be ready by Thursday, so hope by the end of the weekend we will have everything in her room. I have washed all her clothes and just need to put them away. I have to say either the arrival of a girl is imminent or we had a pepto-bismol explosion with all the pink stuff.
I am counting the days to not be uncomfortable anymore, but I am also just trying to stay calm so this little girl stays put. She needs to stay in through next Friday, after that anything is fair game, but I have to get through that training. I am working from home this week as much as I can, but am still quite busy - which I prefer actually, and it does keep me mostly off of my feet.
Not sure how all the other ladies are doing? If I remember correctly @Chanti is scheduled for a c/s on the 26th (its also my husbands birthday

), then after that its me on the 6th, then @Jaybee I think you are after that. Initially, I felt like this was the longest 9 months of my life, but now looking back I think it actually went fast.
Anyway, nothing else really to report from my side, hope everyone else is doing well