file Due August 2018

6 years 5 months ago #280463 by Jay-Bee01
Replied by Jay-Bee01 on topic Due August 2018
@ Bellyhearts, how did everything go.  I am sure you are loving every minute baby been in your arms.

How is everyone else?

AFM, 38w today and baby is engaged and I feel great, no aches or pains... guess the quiet before the storm

* TTC baby #1 for 1.5 years
(tried naturally for 1 year - anovulatory cycles)
(medicated Fertomid cycles for 5 months)
BFP - 1 Sept 2015 - un medicated cycle
TTC baby #2 - October 2017
BFP - 3 January 2018

TTC baby #3 in 2021

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6 years 5 months ago - 6 years 5 months ago #280438 by bellyhearts
Replied by bellyhearts on topic Due August 2018
Hi mommies! I Am 37 weeks and 3 days today.  My last scan was on Friday, baby is on her way out and weighs about 3kgs, difficult to say as head is so far down.  C section has been moved up to 29 August and I have been put on bed rest, hoping baby stays in until then!  I've been in a lot of pain with my hips and back, have had loads of painfu irregular contractions.

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6 years 5 months ago #280437 by Jay-Bee01
Replied by Jay-Bee01 on topic Due August 2018
Hi, how is everyone and their babies?  I am 37w2d and baby is already 3.3kg, yikes.  Other than been tired and have backache all is good.  How far is everyone else?

* TTC baby #1 for 1.5 years
(tried naturally for 1 year - anovulatory cycles)
(medicated Fertomid cycles for 5 months)
BFP - 1 Sept 2015 - un medicated cycle
TTC baby #2 - October 2017
BFP - 3 January 2018

TTC baby #3 in 2021

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6 years 6 months ago #280382 by Sparky123
Replied by Sparky123 on topic Due August 2018
Hi Ladies,

Apologies for my quietness as well over the past few weeks. I was constantly busy trying to get the final prep done before baby arrives. As well was busy with work and handing over to a temp.

Finally went on maternity leave as of the 1st of August and pur boy was only due by the 21st of August, but he obviously was so excited to meet daddy and I, and was born at 4h40 on the 2nd. Weighing in at 3.150kg and 49cm tall.

He is absolutely perfect and I am just super stoked to be able to spend the full 4 months with him.

For all of you still waiting to deliver, hang in there, you are almost there!

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6 years 6 months ago #280380 by Chanti
Replied by Chanti on topic Re:Due August 2018
Hey ladies, sorry I havent been back to update!!! I had a healthy bouncing baby girl on 26/07, weighing in at 3.8kg and 55cm ? I'm totally in love with her!! We had her 2 week checkup and she is up to 4.1kg now. What's happening with the rest of you?

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Me: 24

April 2015: Trying for #1
November 2015: Diagnosed with Stage 4 Endometriosis. Laparascopy to remove chocolate cyst and most of endo. Tubes
blocked and referred for IVF... Visanne prescribed.
Oct 2016 - IVF#1 - BFN
March 2017 - FET - BFN
April 2017 - Surprise BFP!
June 17 -Late M/C 13w4
Aug 17 - Chemical pregnancy M/C 5 weeks
Nov 17- BFP on my birthday! 13DPO BETA 201

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6 years 6 months ago #280278 by CarienM
Replied by CarienM on topic Due August 2018
@Jay-bee - you are so much more organized than I am! I still dont have my nursery done and I am 38 weeks today! We did put up the wallpaper border this past weekend, just one thing to say about that, putting up wallpaper is not for sissies! We only had a border to do and it was challenging to make sure its right, told my husband if we ever do something from top to bottom we will get a professional to do it!

I called about the blinds today, they said they "hope it will be ready by the end of the week", and the bedding will hopefully be ready by Thursday, so hope by the end of the weekend we will have everything in her room. I have washed all her clothes and just need to put them away. I have to say either the arrival of a girl is imminent or we had a pepto-bismol explosion with all the pink stuff.

I am counting the days to not be uncomfortable anymore, but I am also just trying to stay calm so this little girl stays put. She needs to stay in through next Friday, after that anything is fair game, but I have to get through that training. I am working from home this week as much as I can, but am still quite busy - which I prefer actually, and it does keep me mostly off of my feet.

Not sure how all the other ladies are doing? If I remember correctly @Chanti is scheduled for a c/s on the 26th (its also my husbands birthday :) ), then after that its me on the 6th, then @Jaybee I think you are after that. Initially, I felt like this was the longest 9 months of my life, but now looking back I think it actually went fast.

Anyway, nothing else really to report from my side, hope everyone else is doing well :)

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6 years 6 months ago #280272 by Jay-Bee01
Replied by Jay-Bee01 on topic Due August 2018
@ Carien, so you have also been so sick, terrible hey! No I have not heard about the vac but will definitely look into that. You must be counting down the days till little lady arrives.

AFM, trying to finish everything by 34w so that I can relax and out my feet up. Been way to active. Also my amniotic water has increased slightly again but doc doesn't seem phased about it so I wont let it bother me.

I am due the 13 Sept but think baby will come between 38-39 weeks like her sister

* TTC baby #1 for 1.5 years
(tried naturally for 1 year - anovulatory cycles)
(medicated Fertomid cycles for 5 months)
BFP - 1 Sept 2015 - un medicated cycle
TTC baby #2 - October 2017
BFP - 3 January 2018

TTC baby #3 in 2021

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