Hi everyone
So glad your pregnancy are running smoothly. Sorry about the hemorrhoids!!

The GP do not want to cut them out, but merely want to make a cut in them to drain the blood as it seems I have trombosed external hemorrhoids! I am bathing in Epsom salts and use icepacks and have found witch hazel, which is apparently suppose to help (a little with the swelling). But....I must admit, today I have resorted to Panado's. I really battle. I told the GP that I will wait it out a little more, as it usually will return to normal after a few days and all that I can do is nurture it and stay "regular".
It started bleeding a little last night and for that I am thankful (Believe it or not!), as I believe the pressure will ease off and they will clear quicker that way. I am seeing the fetal specialist on Monday for our 35 week scan and will then rather let him decide whether to cut or not. I honestly think I will go into labour if someone injects or cuts me down there. The pain is already so excruciating...cannot imagine someone getting busy down there with a needle and a knife!!
I just wash those little clothes in baby detergent specialized washing liquid (there are a wide range to choose from) and I use the delicate cycle on my washing machine. Then I let them air dry on the washing rack inside. I washed my first baby's clothes with the hand...and it was a very long and crumpling exercise. I have since realized that my washing machine is indeed very "delicate" and nothing gets ringed or pulled out of proportion. Works great for me. I also use those little zipper bags (I got mine from Game) to put all the socks and very delicate garments in. I suppose you can use a pillow case - that will also work great.
We will be taking some maternity pics this weekend and I will let DH finish the carpet washing and I will wash the curtains...and then we need to put it all together so that I can start to relax. I have packed her hospital clothes in little zipper bags and they are ready to be packed inside the suitcase, but I still need to go and get myself some pajamas for the hospital and another few breastfeeding tops and yoga pants. Those were very comfortable with my previous 2 deliveries. To try and get out of pajamas in the mornings after the wardrounds and into clothes just did not go that easily. And...I could not manage to walk in my pajamas every day for the whole 4 days in hospital!
Girls! I cannot believe we are heading into the 9th month. Can it be true!!? It was just like a couple of weeks ago that we were concerned about blood-counts and first trimester miscarriage rates and here we are waddling around and treasuring the last of our bumps. I think we should take a bump pic and share with one another. I will try to upload one over the weekend.