file Due December 2017

7 years 2 months ago #278815 by Reef
Replied by Reef on topic Re:Due December 2017
Wow Joo~ste... that must have been so scary!!! I hope you are getting lots of bed rest and that DH is taking extra special care of you! Not long to go now.

Pinky.... where have you vanished to? How are you doing and when is your due date? Remind us if you are natural or C-Section like us?

AFM - my last week of work this week... thank goodness. And it’s filled with lunches and Xmas parties. So shouldn’t be too stressful. I hope. My ribs are so sore today. Anyone else get that? Had another scan on Friday and she is just under 3kg. Everything looking good... yay!

Chat later ladies x

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7 years 2 months ago #278788 by joo~ste
Replied by joo~ste on topic Due December 2017
She is indeed very big!
So glad your scan also went great.
Thank you for adding the countdown...we are almost there!

Everyone else doing okay?

We had a bit of a scare yesterday morning. I woke up at 2am with menstrual-like cramping and strong (what I assumed was braxton hicks) contractions. Stayed in bed for another hour, but after realizing that they are coming in rhythm every 10 minutes or so - we rushed to the hospital ( an hour away). It is not the hospital where my gynie is, but at least is it a private hospital with good gynies on call. Was monitored for about 2 hours and it showed that it was indeed contractions (although not too strong - but if left - will lead to me going into labour). I was not dilated.

Got some meds and rushed over (another 2 hour drive) to our hospital. Was giving more meds to stop the contractions and was discharged today after the contractions stopped. Now...on bedrest.....

We would like for her to stay in for a little while longer - until at least 38 weeks.....

TTC#1 =3yr2m
TTC#2 =3m
TTC#3 =2yr

Journey started: May 2009 (Gr II Endo)
Total cycles TTC: 64
Clomid/Femara/Inject cycles: 20
IUI: 2
IVF: 1
Lap/Hyst: 4
Miomect: 1
Polipect: 1
D&E: 2
Missed MC: 2
Chem Pg: 4

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7 years 2 months ago #278734 by Reef
Replied by Reef on topic Re:Due December 2017
Hi ladies,

Joo~ste - I cant believe how big your little one is!! Wow!! I had a can this week too and mine is coming in at 2.55kg. I’m having my C-Section on 20 Dec at which point she will be 3 days shy of 39 weeks.

I have 2 weeks left of work... can’t wait to stop. However news on our side is that we are now moving house end December... hectic! But my husband and family are going to coordinate and I will be doing nothing. Much more space for us and little one.

Maybe we should get a list of everyone’s due dates... we’re almost there ladies!

Joo~ste - 15 December
Reef - 20 December
Pinky -

Anyone else active on here that I’m forgetting?

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7 years 2 months ago #278721 by joo~ste
Replied by joo~ste on topic Due December 2017
Hi everyone

It is a superb idea...especially if it is the first baby on the way. We did a wonderful 2 week babymoon when I was 36 weeks pregnant with our first and it was still one of the most memorable holidays of our lives. I guess it gets a little more difficult with subsequent pregnancies. We had a family break away in September and that was great, but hubby and I actually need some time alone before she arrives - unfortunately we just would not be able to this time of the year.

Had my 35 scan yesterday and all is going well. She has lots of hair!!! :lol: - and is big (!!) - she is already measuring between 37-38 weeks at a whopping 3.2kg!! She picked up 800 grams in 3 weeks...whereas I lost 1kg during the same time (possible due to the tummy flu). She was sucking her first during our scan and it was so precious. Specialist did a 4D for most of the scan and she has the cutest little mouth. We are in love. 25 days more for me to go. C-section confirmed for the 15th (I will then by just 1 day shy of 39 weeks). And...she will probably rock the charts at almost 4kg then!! :pinch:

TTC#1 =3yr2m
TTC#2 =3m
TTC#3 =2yr

Journey started: May 2009 (Gr II Endo)
Total cycles TTC: 64
Clomid/Femara/Inject cycles: 20
IUI: 2
IVF: 1
Lap/Hyst: 4
Miomect: 1
Polipect: 1
D&E: 2
Missed MC: 2
Chem Pg: 4

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7 years 2 months ago #278690 by Moomie Moderator
Replied by Moomie Moderator on topic Due December 2017
Hi moms-to-be.

Who is planning a Babymoon before baby arrives?

Read this article on How to have a Happy Babymoon by Bright Rock - Love change

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7 years 2 months ago #278684 by joo~ste
Replied by joo~ste on topic Due December 2017
Hi everyone

So glad your pregnancy are running smoothly. Sorry about the hemorrhoids!! :pinch:
The GP do not want to cut them out, but merely want to make a cut in them to drain the blood as it seems I have trombosed external hemorrhoids! I am bathing in Epsom salts and use icepacks and have found witch hazel, which is apparently suppose to help (a little with the swelling). But....I must admit, today I have resorted to Panado's. I really battle. I told the GP that I will wait it out a little more, as it usually will return to normal after a few days and all that I can do is nurture it and stay "regular".

It started bleeding a little last night and for that I am thankful (Believe it or not!), as I believe the pressure will ease off and they will clear quicker that way. I am seeing the fetal specialist on Monday for our 35 week scan and will then rather let him decide whether to cut or not. I honestly think I will go into labour if someone injects or cuts me down there. The pain is already so excruciating...cannot imagine someone getting busy down there with a needle and a knife!! :unsure:

I just wash those little clothes in baby detergent specialized washing liquid (there are a wide range to choose from) and I use the delicate cycle on my washing machine. Then I let them air dry on the washing rack inside. I washed my first baby's clothes with the hand...and it was a very long and crumpling exercise. I have since realized that my washing machine is indeed very "delicate" and nothing gets ringed or pulled out of proportion. Works great for me. I also use those little zipper bags (I got mine from Game) to put all the socks and very delicate garments in. I suppose you can use a pillow case - that will also work great.

We will be taking some maternity pics this weekend and I will let DH finish the carpet washing and I will wash the curtains...and then we need to put it all together so that I can start to relax. I have packed her hospital clothes in little zipper bags and they are ready to be packed inside the suitcase, but I still need to go and get myself some pajamas for the hospital and another few breastfeeding tops and yoga pants. Those were very comfortable with my previous 2 deliveries. To try and get out of pajamas in the mornings after the wardrounds and into clothes just did not go that easily. And...I could not manage to walk in my pajamas every day for the whole 4 days in hospital!

Girls! I cannot believe we are heading into the 9th month. Can it be true!!? It was just like a couple of weeks ago that we were concerned about blood-counts and first trimester miscarriage rates and here we are waddling around and treasuring the last of our bumps. I think we should take a bump pic and share with one another. I will try to upload one over the weekend.

TTC#1 =3yr2m
TTC#2 =3m
TTC#3 =2yr

Journey started: May 2009 (Gr II Endo)
Total cycles TTC: 64
Clomid/Femara/Inject cycles: 20
IUI: 2
IVF: 1
Lap/Hyst: 4
Miomect: 1
Polipect: 1
D&E: 2
Missed MC: 2
Chem Pg: 4

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7 years 2 months ago #278680 by Reef
Replied by Reef on topic Re:Due December 2017
Hi ladies, so I have been so quiet but work has been manic and I blame preggy brain for forgetting to reply in the evenings... LOL

All good my side - starting to feel rather large though. 5 weeks to the day until we get to meet our little girl... very exciting!!!

The wonderful hemorrhoids are just delightful, aren’t they joo~ste! I started to struggle a while ago, but got on top of it. Then recently I had a 24 hour runny tummy bug, and a week later I ate a curry that was too strong and upset my tummy again. And that was the straw that broke the poor camels back and I am now once again struggling. It’s sore and it’s horrid!! Does your doctor really want to cut them now?

Anyway ladies, have a crash antenatal course the whole of Saturday... that should be fun. Especially for the hubby.

Keep well all of you and your little cherubs x

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